Success Stories

Entrusted by many companies

Success stories with Telusio - Customer meeting
Symbolbild Success Story of HAWE with Telusio
Success Story HAWE Hydraulik

PCF quantification provides detailed product comparison of two components

Comparison of the environmental performance of two components and their respective parts, enabled by detailed data processing.

Success Story König & Bauer

Detailed product carbon footprint for complex systems

Calculation of the emission values of a up to 35 meter long printing press with variation options in the 5-digit range.

Symbolbild Success Story of Koenig & Bauer with Telusio
Symbolbild Success Story of Bausch+Ströbel with Telusio
Success Story Bausch + Ströbel

CO2 transparency of a complex system within a few weeks

Compilation of the product carbon footprint of a complex special machine consisting of more than thirty thousand individual parts.

Clients that trust



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I am looking forwards to your message.

With kind regards
Dr. Johannes Weibl

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Get in Touch Johannes Weibl Telusio

Dr. Johannes Weibl

Founder and Managing Director
(089) 24418366