Success Story
König & Bauer


Detailed product carbon footprint for complex systems

Koenig & Bauer Symbol image
Smiling man
“With TELUSIO, we have found a competent partner who, in addition to the scientific approach to determining the PCF, also takes care of the data preparation for us in a first-class manner.”

Sascha Fischer
Head of Product Management & Product Marketing Koenig & Bauer Sheetfed

Facts about Koenig & Bauer

Starting Point

The Koenig & Bauer Group describes itself as the oldest printing press manufacturer in the world with the broadest product portfolio in the industry. Koenig & Bauer’s core competence is the development and manufacture of technologically innovative and cost-effective printing systems and associated peripheral equipment.

Koenig & Bauer had been searching for some time for a solution provider that could quantify the product carbon footprint based on conditionally good master data and automate manual calculation steps.

Koenig & Bauer began performing the first CO2 calculations for its systems in 2011. At their customers’ request, the CO2 footprint was occasionally determined on the basis of the total mass of the plant and a certain correction factor. For this purpose, the main material of the system was assumed as the basis for the entire system in a highly simplified manner.

Since 2021, Koenig & Bauer has registered an increased and regular demand for the product carbon footprint and, furthermore, for the CO2 neutrality of its printing presses. The previously simplified calculation model sufficed no longer, but a more detailed calculation according to the GHG protocol was required – the so-called activity-based approach.

However, the data situation for this was a major challenge. Relevant master data, primarily the necessary information on masses and materials, was only available for approximately every second parts list entry in the core systems.

Furthermore, Koenig & Bauer had no time for resource-intensive and lengthy familiarization with the calculation methodology and quantification of individual assemblies. But constantly feels the pressure from customers regarding the PCF.


Missing information in parts lists (especially for weights and materials)
Complex systems consisting of >10,000 individual parts
Previously manual, time-consuming and Excel-based quantification


Mapping of internal company IT systems for data collection for accurate PCF calculation

With TELUSIO, the data quality was significantly improved and a very precise product carbon footprint was determined based on parts lists.

TELUSIO improved the master data quality by automatically deriving the weights from other core IT systems at Koenig & Bauer (see illustration). Further, TELUSIO was able to identify additional materials based on the TELUSIO approach, as well as correctly assigning composite and purchased components. As a result, relevant information was available for over 95% of all parts list entries to determine the PCF.

For instance, it is now possible to view and analyze all relevant CO2 key figures for articles, product groups, assemblies and materials with one click. This provides the data-based foundation for further developments in the development and design of new systems.

The PCF result can now also be published or marketed to customers. Further, it provides the data-based foundation for initiating CO2 compensation via climate protection projects depending on the configuration of the system.
Koenig & Bauer has come a significant step closer to its goal of a CO2-neutral press!

What characterizes the collaboration?

Over the past two years, Koenig & Bauer has reviewed all providers in the carbon accounting sector. None of them were able to present a sensible solution concept – except for TELUSIO: Koenig & Bauer was convinced by its individual approach to the preparation and completion of master data.

Foto of a smiling woman
“I was impressed by the individual, customized approach to the data preparation and PCF calculation. Finally a provider that doesn’t just use its standard template.”

Dr. Petra Schottke,
Senior Product Manager Sustainability

Achievements with TELUSIO

Completion of the master data to over 95% of the information required for the PCF calculation.
Overview and detailed CO2 emissions for every assembly, component and material with just one click. This provides a fact-based foundation for EcoDesign and sustainable purchasing decisions.
Establishment of an exact data-based foundation to be able to offer CO2-neutral machines.

What are the next steps in the collaboration?

Following the successful pilot project, Koenig & Bauer and TELUSIO will now determine the PCF for further assemblies and systems. This is not done manually, but automatically. The main objective is to integrate the correct and exact PCF value into the company’s quotation calculator in real time, depending on the machine configuration or customer request, and thus provide customers with full transparency about their CO2 emissions.

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“I am impressed by the professionalism of TELUSIO. The project results can be used as a starting point for CO2optimization when purchasing materials and selecting suppliers.”

Dieter von der Kall,

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Success Story König & Bauer

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Dr. Johannes Weibl

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Dr. Johannes Weibl

Founder and Managing Director
(089) 24418366